21st December 2024

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Serving the people of Mildenhall

Who we are & what we do

Mildenhall High Town Council consists of 15 elected councillors who serve for a four year term. All Councillors are voluntary and receive no payment whatsoever.

The Town Office is located at The Pavilion, Recreation Way Mildenhall, Suffolk IP28 7HG.

Council Meetings - see the diary of meetings for more information.

Members of the public may speak about specific items on this agenda which contain a recommendation, provided they have advised the Town Manager of their wish to speak no later than midday on the Friday before the meeting (or midday of the last working day of the week before the meeting). A list giving details of the name(s) and 1 relevant agenda item(s) will be circulated to Councillors before the meeting commences.

For further information relating to the services offered by Mildenhall High Town Council please contact the Town Office who will be happy to give advice and assistance.

Strategic Plan 2023/7

Mildenhall High Town Council has produced a Strategic Plan for the current electoral term which runs from May 2023 to May 2027. This sets out the direction and ambitions of the Council and the associated Action Plan details specific projects and objectives which the Councillors and staff will be working on in the coming years.

This document is fluid and will be reviewed annually, new priorities and objectives can be added appropriately.

If you have any ideas and concerns which you would like the Council to address then please get in touch.


Our Councillors are elected or co-opted, if you would like to become a Councillor or find out more about what they do then please see election details above.

To see each Councillor's Register of Interests please click on the document below- this is updated whenever there is a change:

Committees and Working groups


Establishment and Policy Committee

Cllr. R. Leaman (Chair)

Cllr. D. Isted (Vice-Chair)

Cllr. G. Bristow

Cllr. D. Johnson

Cllr. D. Manns

Cllr. A. Peachey

Cllr. J. Power

Cllr. G. Roberts

Amenities and Operations Committee

Cllr. G. Bristow (Chair)

Cllr. J. Bloodworth

Cllr. S. Harrington

Cllr. D. Isted

Cllr. D. Johnson

Cllr. R. Leaman

Cllr. D. Manns

Cllr. A. Peachey

Cllr. G. Roberts

Cllr. I. Shipp

Planning Committee

Cllr. J Power (Chair)

Cllr. D. Johnson (Vice-Chair)

Communications and Events Committee

Cllr. P. Boreham

Cllr. G. Bristow

Cllr. W. Chipping

Cllr. S. Harrington

Cllr. R. Leaman

Cllr. K. Lemiesz

Cllr. G. Roberts


Personnel Committee

Cllr. R. Leaman (Chair)

Cllr. G. Bristow (Vice-Chair)

Cllr. P. Boreham

Cllr. A. Neal

Cllr. J. Power

Cllr. I. Shipp

Working Groups

Finance Strategy Working Group

Cllr. D. Isted

Cllr. R. Leaman

Cllr. D. Manns

Cllr. I. Shipp



Our Staff

Office Team (2 full time, 2 part time)

Mark Knight, Town Manager

Naomi Alecock, Senior Administrator

Julie Hallett, Administration Assistant

Alicia Clark, Administration Assistant

Grounds Team (1 full time, 1 part time)

Dave Allen, Head Groundsman

Christopher Jones, Assistant Groundsman

Jubilee Centre Team (4 part time)

Des Neville

Megan Warby

Liam Butcher

Mark Knight

Town Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer

Mildenhall High Town Council
01638 713493

Last updated: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 15:32